It's Yo-Yo Time with Yo-Master Zeemo!
For two centuries the yo-yo has remained the most popular fad toy all Around the World. Over half a billion yo-yos have been sold and kids have invented thousands of tricks. Some tricks were made up while people rocked their babies and others while they walked their dogs.
Many of the basic tricks were incorporated into a song about yo-yos that kids can sing along with. "It's Yo-Yo Time" is the title of the song and Zeemo will sing it with the kids as a part of his summer reading program for the theme Libraries Rock.
The show lasts 45 minutes, includes demonstrations with Chinese yo-yos and other spinning toys, is loaded with audience participation and can be performed anywhere.
Block booking discounts are available for back–to–back shows.
Read some great letters of recommendation that Zeemo has received from librarians!
For more information about this or any other program, contact Zeemo today!